URL Decode PHP Example

PHP contains two inbuilt functions called urldecode() and rawurldecode() to decode a URL encoded string back to its normal form.

The urldecode() function

# Syntax
urldecode (string $str) : string

The urldecode() function takes a URL encoded (percent encoded) string and decodes it. It is just the opposite of urlencode() function. It converts plus sign (+) to space character.


echo urldecode("Hell%C3%B6+W%C3%B6rld") . "\n";
# Output
Hellö Wörld

The rawurldecode() function

The rawurldecode() function is just like urldecode() function except that it doesn’t decode plus sign (+) to space character -

# Syntax
rawurldecode (string $str) : string


echo rawurldecode("Hell%C3%B6+W%C3%B6rld") . "\n";
# Output

Also Read: URL Encode PHP Example
